Thirty Ascend Services (NS0148986-M) was legally registered under Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) on 20th July 2015. Our main business is providing consultation services for adventure activities through online platform (website), supplying professional mountain guides and outdoor equipment.
The original idea to develop this company is to support local adventure business by promoting all kind of adventure packages available around West Malaysia in one stop portal. The packages advertised in this portal is selected to suits the needs and demands from all kind of background.
Founded by Nik Khairul Amri (Encik Amri). Technical Division by Syed Nuaim (Jinggo) and Muhammad Irwan (Boiy). Marketing Division manage by Bernadine James (Didin) and Amirul Azaha (Mondok). Our operation is based on project and supported by comrades which selected truly based on trust and their individual expertise.
Founded by Nik Khairul Amri (Encik Amri). Technical Division by Syed Nuaim (Jinggo) and Muhammad Irwan (Boiy). Marketing Division manage by Bernadine James (Didin) and Amirul Azaha (Mondok). Our operation is based on project and supported by comrades which selected truly based on trust and their individual expertise.